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University graduation photo

Graduation photography


Graduation Photography (studio)


Studio uses Swiss Broncolor and Korean SDMV flashing lights and accessories. There are 10 background color papers to choose from, black, white, gray, red, yellow, green, purple, brown, light gray, and tie-dye cloth and oil canvas.


A) $380 Personal graduation photo
Include 1 Light and dark retouching digital photo, Estimated time is 15-20 minutes


B) $680
family graduation photo, Include 15 Light and dark retouching digital photo, Estimated time is 60 minutes, (1 graduate student, 3 family members, plus family members $100/person)


C) $980
Include 30 Light and dark retouching digital photo, Can take all photos, Estimated time is 60 minutes, (1 graduate student, 3 family members, plus family members $100/person)

D) $1680
Include 60 Light and dark retouching digital photo, Can take all photos, Estimated time is 120 minutes, (6 graduate students and family members, plus $100/person for family members)